October is ADHD Awareness Month – an international movement to educate the public and create greater awareness and understanding about attention deficit disorder.

The ADHD Awareness Month Coalition has put together a rich array of resources to use in getting the word out. These include a press kit, posters, fact sheets, a calendar listing 31 ways to spread the word… and more! 

I am determined to help spread the word – and you can spread the word too!

The ADHD Awareness Coalition has made it easy by putting together a calendar with suggestions for 31 ways to spread the word this month.


Have a child with ADHD? Ask your child’s teacher if you can read a book about ADHD to the class during story time.

Some options (age-dependent): 

If you don’t have a child, share information about ADHD with some teens you know, someone at work or even a neighbor or two. 

(Note: a great book to share with teens is: A Birds Eye View by Chris Dendy and Alex Zeigler,)

Thank you for advancing ADHD Awareness and support this month …  and any time!

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