Blog Archives

ADHD in the News: November 2012

Here are some of the latest bits of news from the Internet to help you better manage your AD/HD:
1) Of interest to teens & young adults
“Self-Control” – Limit distractions by blocking websites while using the computer with this (Mac) app:
Research demonstrates validity of music as a tool for focusing: 

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Posted in apps, distraction, email, exercise, focus, habits, kids, organization, parenting, productivity, Teens

Staying Focused on a Task: Handy Apps

Have a project to finish but find your mind wandering?

Writing a paper but can’t stay focused?

Reading for class and find you’ve been turning pages with no idea what you’ve read?

Distraction is among the diagnostic criteria for AD/HD. In fact,

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Posted in ADHD, apps, distraction, focus, stay on task

Staying on Task: Cool Gadgets

With so many interesting things to notice and think about, it can be hard for the AD/HD brain to stay on task at times… particularly during either routine or daunting tasks.

For students, focusing might be tough during classes at school, especially when a teacher is talking for an extended period or when it is time for a quiet task like a math worksheet 

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Posted in attention, focus, technology