October is ADHD Awareness Month – an international movement to educate the public and create greater awareness and understanding about attention deficit disorder.
The ADHD Awareness Month Coalition has put together a rich array of resources to use in getting the word out. These include a press kit, posters, fact sheets, a calendar listing 31 ways to spread the word… and more!
I am determined to help spread the word – and you can spread the word too!
The ADHD Awareness Coalition has made it easy by putting together a calendar with suggestions for 31 ways to spread the word this month.
If you are working to secure a 504 plan for your child with ADHD, don’t give up the fight!
Here are some resources that might help:
- http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/article/711.html
- http://www.wrightslaw.com/info/add.index.htm
- http://add.about.com/od/schoolissues/a/Helping-Students-With-Adhd-Section-504-Accommodations.htm
- http://www.ncld.org/students-disabilities/iep-504-plan/is-504-plan-right-for-my-child
If you are managing paperwork for accommodations on testing or getting materials together for college accommodations, hang in there!
Have you seen these resources?
- http://www.add.org/?page=college_accommod
- http://www.nami.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Mental_Illnesses/ADHD/ADHD_and_College_Accomodations.htm
- https://www.collegeboard.org/students-with-disabilities/documentation-guidelines/adhd
- http://www.actstudent.org/regist/disab/policy.html
- http://www.wrightslaw.com/info/college.SAT.accomm.htm
If you are trying to get accommodations in the workplace, stick with it!
These resources might be useful:
- http://askjan.org/media/adhd.html
- http://www.nami.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Mental_Illnesses/ADHD/ADHD_and_Work.htm
- http://www.help4adhd.org/living/workplace/wwk16
And… if you have been successful doing any of that, support someone else who is currently in the process. Share strategies, resources and understanding. It’s worth the effort!
Thank you for your efforts to support ADHD Awareness this month … and whenever you have a chance!
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