If you can say “yes” to any of the following….
I am a teen or an adult with ADD/ADHD.
I am a friend or family member of someone with ADD/ADHD.
I am a teacher having one or more students with ADD/ADHD.
I am a therapist having one or more clients with ADD/ADHD.
I am a doctor or psychiatrist treating at least one person with ADD/ADHD.
I am a coach working with individual(s) having ADD/ADHD.
I am a coach working with individual(s) having ADD/ADHD.
I am studying to be a therapist or psychiatrist or coach.
I don’t know much about ADD/ADHD.
I know a lot about ADD?ADHD.
…. then, I urge you to watch this educational, entertaining, and, yes – energetic!, 13 minute Tedx Talk titled “ADHD as a Difference in Cognition, Not a Disorder.”Don’t have time right now? It’s worth putting in your planner soon!
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