Christmas is December 25th.
Kwaanza spans December 26th through January 1st.
One way to make the holidays easier is through some advance planning. But, sometimes we are just caught trying to prepare at the last minute. Here are some tips and tricks for keeping holiday hosting and gift-giving manageable and fun!
- Use festive fabric or pick up a paper table covering.
- Food? Go pot-luck … or lay out a self-service buffet.
- Have guests help decorate. Invite Hanukkah party guests to bring their hanukiot (menorahs) and enjoy the shimmering lights of them burning all at the same time! For a Christmas party, set out your ornaments so guests can have fun helping you decorate your tree!) For Kwaanza, ask guests to bring African fabrics or artifacts to decorate with and talk about together.
- Find easy holiday games or crafts online or simply enjoy one another’s company and conversation.
Make a list of people you need to shop for and jot down any ideas you may already have. Family, friends, colleagues, teachers?
Review your budget and set a spending limit. This way you will not only be able to enjoy the holidays but also the months afterwards!
Step four:
Take a look at these easy and affordable ideas.
- Stock up on candles or some other hostess gift so you won’t need to rush to buy one before each party you attend!
- Find easy e-mailable gifts.
- Give a donation that your recipient can select, by using “Charity Choice”.
- Review last-minute suggestions from Amazon (mostly magazine subscriptions).
- Check out three categories of gift ideas: e-mailable, home-made and specific gift suggestions by “type” of person.
Step five:
If you need to wrap any gifts, stock up on various sizes of gift bags and plenty of tissue paper. (Try the “dollar” store for a bargain price). This way, you can have a gift wrapped in under a minute.
Running out of time?
Never fear! Even if you are extremely last minute, you can usually find an open drug store – with a little creativity, you can put together a wonderfully personal gift even there!
Consider the gift of a series of coaching sessions for yourself or a loved-one. Contact me at for more info!
Wishing you a fun and hassle-free holiday season!
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