October is ADHD Awareness Month. How aware are you of the impact of ADHD on relationships?
A 2004 survey titled “Capturing America’s Attention” found that:
“Adults with ADHD have less stable relationships than … adults without ADHD. [P]eople with ADHD are twice as likely to be divorced and/or separated. Less than half of those surveyed who are currently in a relationship say they are “completely satisfied” with their relationship partners or loved ones, compared to 58 percent of those people surveyed without ADHD.”
What’s up with that?
The hallmark symptoms of ADHD —
difficulty completing
tasks, and
impulsivity —
can all wreak havoc on relationships.
What help is available?
- First, if you suspect that you or your significant other might have AD/HD, get an assessment.
- Learn all you can about ADHD and its impact on relationships (see resources below).
- Seek help from a therapist specializing in ADHD to better understand each other and to learn new ways of relating.
- Work with an ADHD coach to develop structures and routines to make life together work more smoothly.
- Attend support group meetings – like CHADD – you’ll learn you are not alone!
- Find resources and classes at ADHD & Marriage: http://www.adhdmarriage.com
Where can I (we) learn more?
Online articles:
AD/HD’s Impact on Relationships: 10 Tips to Help
Can your Relationship Survive AD/HD?
ADDult Relationships (some articles at this link available only to CHADD members)
You-tube Videos:
ADHD and Marriage (different from the other)
The ADHD Effect on Marriage by Orlov
Is it You, Me, or Adult ADD? by Pera
Married to Distraction by Hallowell, Hallowell and Orlov
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