In looking for a job, recognize that everyone has at least three levels of job preferences.
1. The ideal job is what you really want to have, but it is often the hardest to get! If you can’t find one, don’t be surprised. While looking for this joc, also look for jobs in the following two categories.
2. Possible high interest jobs might relate in some way to your ideal job. For example. they might help you develop a specific skill or skills that could make you more likely to get your ideal job in the future. They might be in a related field. Trying a variety of high interest jobs over time can help you build a variety of skills that relate to your ideal job. If you can get one of these jobs, you should take it!
3. Any job, even if it is a job that does not seem very interesting to you, has important benefits. First, these jobs will be easier to get – that is why most people start off with these jobs. Second, you will be employed and earning money! Third, a record of employment helps when you apply for more desirable jobs. Fourth, if you take on the job cheerfully and work hard at it, you will be able to get a good recommendation from your boss for later employment in either high interest or ideal jobs. So, don’t be reluctant to apply for these jobs!
The websites below are among a variety that include useful tips and links for teens and young adults searching for part time or summer work, or a first job. Keep in mind that you may have to apply for many jobs before you finally get one! Because of this, the best strategy, especially for a summer job, is to apply for any job you can find and as many as you can find! Start early, set a number to apply for per day or per week, and keep at it until you’ve succeeded!
Need more help in getting organized to apply for that summer job? putting together a resume? developing other organizing skills? Contact me for AD/HD and life coaching!
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