A four-session workshop in Silver Spring, MD
Meet other teens with AD/HD & executive functioning challenges!
Learn about AD/HD, executive functioning and you!
Build self-awareness and skills!
Have fun playing games that enhance your brain!
This 4-session summer workshop is designed for teens 13-16 years old. Led by experienced AD/HD Coach, Liz Ahmann, ScD, RN (www.lizahmann.com), the workshop will be a fun way to explore AD/HD and executive functioning as well as build some relevant skills over the summer, before the next school year. Each of the two-hour sessions will include:
1. Discussion and group coaching on key topics in AD/HD and executive functioning
2. Learning/playing new board games encouraging development of executive functioning skills
3. Resource materials to take home
4. Healthy snacks
5. “Homework” to consist of
a. Chapters to read in A Bird’s Eye View of Life with ADD and ADHD: Advice from Young Survivors by Chris Dendy & Alex Zeigler
b. Activities designed to enhance self-understanding and executive functioning skills
c. Games to play with family members between sessions
Dates/time: Thursday nights July 29 – August 19, 2010, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Location: Chesapeake AD/HD Center, 8607 Cedar Street, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Cost: $200 per teen by June 15, 2010; $250 after June 15th (includes four group coaching sessions, a copy of A Bird’s Eye View, and four award-winning Mensa games for each participant to take home and keep, juice and snacks)
Sign up: Reserve your teen’s space by contacting Liz Ahmann at lizahmann@gmail.com or 301-775-7011. $50 deposit required to hold space.
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